Success Stories


Project Xander

Level 9 Corporation worked closely with The University of Texas at San Antonio and MITRE Corporation to act as an expert provider of cybersecurity solutions to non-profit organizations across San Antonio. This includes Churches, Schools, Student Outreach organizations, and more!

As both a non-profit organization and experts in the field of Cybersecurity and Information Technology, Level 9 Corporation knows the intrinsic value of Cybersecurity and Cyber awareness, especially for non-profit organizations, who tend to be vulnerable to Cyberthreats.

Level 9 Corporation worked as mentors to the students of UTSA and helped guide students to deliver substantive and low-cost Cybersecurity solutions to non-profit organizations.

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Calvary Baptist Academy

High School Outreach Program

Level 9 Corporation conducted a Cybersecurity seminar for High Schoolers at the Calvary Baptists Academy.

This outreach program was to teach a new generation about the field of Cybersecurity, the challenges the field faces, and the opportunities available to those interested in the field.

The Cybersecurity seminar covered a variety of topics including the functioning of Computers, networks, internet surveillance, internet / network security, and an introduction to Blockchain Technology.


U.S. Air Force Cyber Security University

The AF IC Cybersecurity Training & Education Program provides quality, timely, and accessible AF IC - focused Cybersecurity training to our Airmen, Government Civilians, and Contract support personnel across the globe. Course content is provided by utilizing dynamic and varied educational delivery methods as we prepare our students to defend our nation throughout the Cyberspace Domain now and in the future.